Physicians to Lead Seminar About Treatment for Chronic Acid Reflux
If you are like so many Americans who are having difficulty finding long-term relief from painful, chronic acid reflux or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), it may be time to consider a minimally invasive procedure that fixes the root cause of reflux called transoral incisionless fundoplication (TIF).

To learn more about relieving GERD, join board-certified general surgeons Blake Hood, D.O., and Andrew Martin, M.D., as they lead Northwest Health’s next HealthyU wellness seminar entitled 'Got GERD? It’s Time to Heal the Burn'. The free event will be held from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., on Thursday, January 18, 2024 at the Health Foundation of La Porte, 140 East Shore Parkway in La Porte.
During the presentation, Drs. Hood and Martin will explain how this effective, incisionless procedure is performed to restore the valve to its natural state and helps most patients get off of daily PPI medication.
HealthyU is a wellness series presented by Northwest Health to provide the community with relevant health and wellness topics. The free monthly seminars are geared to answer you and your families’ questions and provide simple and actionable steps to help you feel better and live healthier.
To register for Got GERD? It’s Time to Health the Burn, visit Registration is encouraged and heart-healthy snacks will be available. For questions, call 219-262-6446.